China to honor its commitment and ensure success of Beijing Games

Source: China Daily
Date: 07/22/08

SINGAPORE – Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said here on Tuesday that Chinese government and people will faithfully honor their commitment to the world and work together with the international community to ensure the success of the Beijing Olympic Games.

At the ASEAN Plus Three (China, Japan, South Korea) Ministerial Meeting held in Singapore on Tuesday, Yang said all the preparations for the Beijing Olympic Games are now in order, adding that the Games will open in Beijing in 17 days.

The Chinese foreign minister expressed thanks to ASEAN countries, Japan and South Korea for their “keen interest in and generous support to the Beijing Olympic Games.”

As a grand sports event, the Games will contribute to friendship and cooperation among people of all countries”, said he.

He said China will work together with world community to ensure the success of the Games and promote the Olympic spirit and movement.

“We sincerely wish athletes from ASEAN countries, Japan and the ROK every success at the Games”, Yang said.

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